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  1. Gender Pay Gaps in Economics: A Deeper Look at Institutional Factors (with MinSub Kim and Bruce Weinberg). 2023Agricultural Economics. 54(4), 471-486.

  2. Salinization of the Bangladesh Delta Worsens Economic Precarity” (with Valerie Mueller, Fabien Durand, Erika Lisco, Qing Zhong, V. Raju Sherin, AKM Saiful Islam). 2022. Population and Environment. 44, 226-247.

  3. Mitigating implicit bias in student evaluations: A randomized intervention (with Brandon Genetin, Vladimir Kogan, and Alan Kalish). Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, CWAE 40th Anniversary Special Issue. 44(1), 110-128.

  4. Migration towards Bangladesh coastlines projected to increase with sea-level rise through 2100” (with A. Bell, D. Wrathall, V. Mueller, M. Oppenheimer, M. Hauer, H. Adams, S. Kulp, P. Clark, E. Fussell), Environmental Research Letters. 16 024045.

  5. Meeting the Looming Challenge of Future Migration from Global Sea-Level Change” (with D. Wrathall, V. Mueller, P. U. Clark, M. Oppenheimer, M. Hauer, S. Kulp, E. Gilmore, H. Adams, A. Bell, R. Kopp, K. Abel, M. Call, A. deSherbinin, E. Fussell, C. Hay, B. Jones, N. Magliocca, E. Marino, A. Slangen, and K. Warner), Nature Climate Change. December 2019. [ungated version]

  6. Climate-Induced Cross-border Migration and Change in Demographic Structure” (with Valerie Mueller), Population and Environment, 41(2), 98-125. December 2019.

  7. Temporary and Permanent Migrant Selection: Theory and Evidence of Ability-Search Cost Dynamics” (with Katrina Kosec and Valerie Mueller), Review of Development Economics, 23(4), 1477-1519. November 2019.

  8. The Gender Pay Gap in Academia: Evidence from The Ohio State University (with Daniel Crown), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(5), 1337-1352. October 2019. [report to Faculty Committee on Benefits and Compensation]

  9. Moving to Despair? Migration and Well-Being in Pakistan” (with Katrina Kosec and Valerie Mueller), World Development, 113, 186-203. January 2019.

  10. Coastal Climate Change, Soil Salinity and Human Migration in Bangladesh” (with V. Mueller), Nature Climate Change. October 22, 2018. [ungated version and blog post]

  11. Children's Schooling in Nicaragua: What Is the Link Between Educational Achievement and Borrowing?” (with Olga Kondratjeva), Review of Development Economics, 22(3), 1125-1145, August 2018.

  12. Validating Migration Responses to Flooding Using Satellite and Vital Registration Data” (with Valerie Mueller, Yuanyuan Jia, Steven Kuo-Hsin Tseng), American Economic Review, 107(5), 441-445, May 2017.

  13. Sources of Change in the Demand for Energy by Indonesian Households: 1980-2002” (with Mark M. Pitt), Energy Economics, 61, 147-161, January 2017.

  14. Climate Change and Migration in Coastal Bangladesh” (with Boris Braun, Kathryn Dotzel, and Craig Jenkins),  Geographische Rundschau, July/August 2016, 10-15. [rough translation]

  15. Altruism, Cooperation, and Efficiency: Agricultural Production in Polygynous Households” (with Richard Akresh and Charity Moore), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 64(4), 661-696, July 2016. Technical Appendix

  16. The Impact of Skill-Based Immigration Restrictions: The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882”, Journal of Human Capital, 9(3), 298-328, September 2015.

  17. Let’s Talk About the Money: Spousal Communication, Expenditures and Farm Production” (with LaPorchia Collins), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96(5), 1272-1290, October 2014.

  18. Identifying Non-Cooperative Behavior Among Spouses: Child Outcomes in Migrant-Sending Households,” Journal of Development Economics, 100(1), 1-18, January 2013. Lead Article.

  19. "Does the Insurance Effect of Public and Private Transfers Favor Financial Deepening? Evidence from Rural Nicaragua,” (with Emilio Hernandez, Abdoul Sam and Claudio Gonzalez) Review of Development Finance, 2(1), 9-21, March 2012.

  20. Productive Efficiency and the Scope for Cooperation in Polygynous Households,” (with Richard Akresh and Charity Moore) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(2), 395-401, January 2012.

  21. Dads, Disease and Death: Determinants of Daughter Discrimination,” Journal of Population Economics, 25(1), 119-149, October 2011.

  22. “An Economics Analysis of Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior for Breakfast Cereals” (with Yuanjing Jin, Eugene Jones and Abdoul Sam) Journal of Food Distribution Research, 41(1), 64-69, March 2010.

  23. Migration and Imperfect Monitoring: Implications for Intra-household AllocationAmerican Economic Review, 96(2), 227–231, May 2006.

Land Acknowledgement 

The Ohio State University occupies the ancestral and contemporary lands of the Shawnee, Potawatomi, Delaware, Miami, Peoria, Seneca, Wyandotte, Ojibwe, and Cherokee peoples. The university resides on land ceded in the 1795 Treaty of Greeneville and the forced removal of tribal nations through the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

© 2016 by Joyce Chen

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